Why was Bliss founded?
Bliss was founded in 1979 after an article appeared in a national newspaper highlighting the lack of vital resources for many babies born sick or premature. Babies were dying through lack of equipment and skilled care.

The day after the article was published, a concerned reader called Mr A. Chilvers wrote to the newspaper and suggested forming a group to campaign on this issue. From this an executive committee of 12 concerned parents was formed – this group would go on to become the charity Bliss. The first donation to the charity was £10.30 and more than 40 years later, Bliss has grown into the UK’s leading charity for babies born premature or sick.
Bliss originally stood for Baby Life Support Systems and was primarily focused on providing equipment to neonatal units. Although we now no longer provide equipment to units, we provide vital support to parents through our information and support services. In addition, we provide training to the healthcare professionals working in neonatal units. We also fund and support ongoing research to improve care for babies, and continue to campaign so that hospitals and families have resources they need to give babies born premature or sick the best possible quality of life.
In 2009, Bliss Scotland was established to focus on the work of Bliss in Scotland. Bliss Scotland’s Celebrity Ambassador is Lady Sarra Hoy who gave birth to her son Callum 11 weeks early.
In 2019 Bliss is celebrated 40 years of change for babies. You can see more about the history of our organisation and what we achieved in 40 years on our timeline.
What does Bliss do?
Bliss exists so that one day every baby born premature or sick will have the best chance of survival and quality of life. You can find out more on our ‘About Us’ page