Our strategy

Baby covered in blanket attached to feeding tube sleeping peacefully in an incubator

Over the next three years (2022-2025), our ambition is for every baby born premature or sick in the UK to benefit from our work and to have the best chance of survival and quality of life.

Read our strategy to find out what we will do to ensure babies born premature or sick have the best chance of survival and quality of life. Bliss is committed to:

Campaigning for change

  • Making national and local policy changes which improve staffing, systems and investment in neonatal care.

Supporting all neonatal families

  • Providing inclusive information and support for parents and families throughout their neonatal journey.

Improving care for babies

  • Supporting neonatal units and healthcare professionals to deliver the best care.

Putting research into practice

  • Using new evidence to inform real-life improvements in babies’ care.

Working with our amazing supporters and staff

  • Building the organisational infrastructure and workforce to enable Bliss to make the biggest difference for vulnerable babies.

Achieving the best outcomes for babies born premature or sick

Download our 2022-2025 strategy summary (PDF)

How we'll achieve this

In order to have the greatest impact for babies, there are five core foundations that we will develop and apply across our programmes of work. These are:

  • Being here for all babies.
  • Ensuring parents' voices are at the heart of our work.
  • Addressing health inequality in neonatal care.
  • Investing in improving babies' outcomes for the future.
  • Developing our fundraising programmes and making sure Bliss is a great place to work.