FINE level 2: Practical Skills

Dad holding baby with baby gripping dad's finger

This course is the second level in the FINE programme and is spread over 12 weeks. This course is building on the learning from the Foundation Toolkit course. The first half of the course is devoted to behavioural observation and the second half integrates this into the caregiving context.

Who should attend?

The course is designed for any neonatal professional wishing to develop their own practice and become more influential in promoting family centred developmental care. It is essential for anyone with a leadership role in family centred / developmental care including:

  • Neonatal nurses and midwives
  • Neonatologists
  • Nursery nurses
  • Therapists working with neonates.

What is included in the course?

The course involves systematic observations of infants, structured evaluations of caregiving and reflective exercises with

  • Introductory study day
  • Course handbook and assignment workbook
  • Mentors with advanced training
  • Reflective diary
  • Recommended reading and helpful tips
  • Final seminar and assessment exercise.

Content focuses on the core themes of infant development, behavioural observation, parent participation, reflective practice, systems change and evidence based practice.

Courses organised by other FINE centres

For more information about these courses please visit the FINE training website.

These courses are not organised by Bliss. Bliss are unable to answer questions regarding the application process, invoicing or event details.