You can give up something to give back to Bliss at any time of year. It could be a New Year's resolution, an activity during Lent or just whenever you want to take on a personal challenge.

You set the terms – we’ll keep you going.

Choose your own challenge and timeframe (a day, a week or even a whole month).

You could give up:

  • TV
  • Your favourite drink
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar or chocolate
  • Your mobile phone
  • Your morning coffee
  • A bad habit…or two
  • Anything else you want to give up to give back to Bliss!

We are here to help

We’re here to support you every step of the way and to help you get the most out of your fundraising. Contact us to tell us your plans by e-mailing our events team.

Get involved

If you want give up something and raise funds for Bliss, set up your fundraising page today.
Start your fundraising

“We all chose our favourite treat to give up and it was harder than we thought it would be but we kept each other going!”

Laura from Banana Moon Nursery, Leeds