Why are we doing this research?
Bliss is committed to ensuring that all parents of babies born premature or sick can access the information and support that they need at the time that they need it, regardless of who they are or where they are in their neonatal journey.
It is really important to us to provide a simple and effective user journey so that families don’t become overwhelmed with information, or struggle to find the information that they need
The purpose of this user research is to understand how people use our Parent Support Tool.
How will it work?
Our partners at Electric Putty will book a 1-hour timeslot with you most likely on Tuesday 14th or Wednesday 15th June 2022 at a time that works for you. You will be sent a £20 Amazon voucher as a small "thank you".
We will ask you to use your phone to download a mobile app that lets us take you through the session and record your screen.
In the app, we will ask you to give permission for us to record your screen, and to use your camera and microphone (so we can talk to you and see you).
We will ask you to use our website to complete a set of tasks. We want to understand how people use the website, so we can make it easier to use. While you are doing your task, we will ask you to tell us as much as possible about what you are seeing, thinking and feeling.
We will take you through everything on the day, you do not need to prepare at all.
We want to see how people do with our tasks without any preparation. Our aim is to make the usability test as close to real life as possible so we can find out about how people use our website.
What you will need to do on the day
Be on a stable WiFi connection (not a mobile connection).
Have a clear hour for the agreed time slot where you are unlikely to have any distractions.
Tell us about what you are seeing, thinking, and feeling, and be honest.
There are no wrong answers, and everything you tell us is helpful.
How we ensure your privacy
Other people involved in the design of the website may watch the recording of your session in the future. These recordings will be treated as confidential and will not be shared outside our company.
We may publish research reports that include your comments and actions but your data will be anonymous. This means your name and identity will not be linked in our research reports to anything you say or do.