Like most expectant parents, my wife Vicky and I were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our son Ben. Vicky’s pregnancy had been straightforward, so when Ben was born at 26 weeks and weighing 1lb 13oz it was a huge shock to the family.
I felt so helpless in those first moments. I was scared to see him and I was afraid he wouldn’t survive. I was allowed to touch him briefly for the first time, before he was put in an incubator and taken to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). He looked so tiny and vulnerable.
Suddenly, Vicky and I were on our own but without our baby. It was surreal. Everything went so quickly and it was difficult to comprehend that we were now parents.
Later that afternoon, Ben was transferred to the NICU at Luton and Dunstable Hospital for more intensive care as he had suffered a serious brain haemorrhage. We were told the impact of the bleed would not be known for months or even years.
This was devastating news, and it was difficult not to think about all the challenges it may bring down the road, but we tried to focus on the positive things