Day One
Dear Indy,
You were born at 7.36 am weighing 1lb 3oz. Penny (Mumma) saw you and apparently you came out wriggling. I couldn't see anything. The doctors and nurses were in the corner intubating you and getting you stable and assessed you for a while and then you were popped in an incubator.
They stopped the incubator as you were wheeled past me and I got a glimpse of a mouth but nothing else. Then you went one way and I went the other. Mumma went to see you after about 90 minutes but I was still numb from the spinal block; not to mention completely spaced out.
After about four hours I was helped into a wheelchair and I went to see you for the first time. I knew that you were 1lb 3oz but I didn't know just how tiny that meant. You would have fit into my hands; my hand could have given you a cuddle! We were not allowed to hold you but we were allowed to touch you through the incubator doors. I couldn't believe that when I put my finger near your hand, you squeezed it.
I'm not going to lie, there have been a lot of tears. My waters breaking, the thought of what was/is going to happen, seeing you so tiny with wires and tubes fixed to you, threaded into your belly button and down your throat but you squeezed my finger. I was elated!
Day Three
Dear Indy,
Guess what? You cried out today! Your nurse was changing your nappy and washing you, and apparently you don't like your ears being washed because you mewed like a little kitten. My heart leaped out of my chest. We were told it could be weeks before we heard you and yet here you were – making sure we all knew you were there.
Day Five
Dear Indy,
Well Day Three ended on a huge low. At around 7.00pm we were told you had a perforated bowel and needed an operation. Mumma and I were devastated. We were so worried about you and what it would mean. You were transferred to another hospital for the surgery. The surgeon explained what they would do (cut out the perforation and sew the remaining bowel back together) and let us know that you were on the cusp of their medical knowledge because you were so tiny. We thought we might lose you Indy, but like the little trooper you are, you not only pulled through but were stable again almost immediately.
Mummy on the other hand was not so stable. I fainted from tiredness and shock and ended up in A&E. My face is a sight to behold, a right shocker. A bit of a lesson Indy, if I want to look after you, then I need to look after myself!