My son, Jensen, was born at 42 weeks, weighing just under nine pounds. He is our third baby. Our first two births went perfectly well, so I never expected anything to go wrong.
Unfortunately, Jensen developed fetal distress, that made him pass meconium (stool from a newborn) in the womb. The doctor said that he needed to be born immediately as it was too late for a C-section.
Jensen was born not breathing but thanks to the midwife’s quick thinking, he was resuscitated very quickly. Jensen had severe meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), which meant his lungs had become filled with meconium, resulting in respiratory distress. A team of nurses and doctors took Jensen away to NICU whilst they were resuscitating him. I had no idea what was happening, and I had never heard of MAS before.
After birth I was in extreme pain. I was told my placenta was stuck and that I needed surgery and a spinal block. In the operating theatre I had no idea what was happening and if Jensen was alive or not.