Policy reports

Bliss Baby report card

Our policy research and reports shine a light onto a range of issues affecting care for premature and sick babies and their families.

Bliss Briefing: Barriers to involvement in care; Fathers' experiences, 2024

This briefing compiles findings from a survey and focus group looking at the barriers fathers face to being partners in their baby's care.

Download Barriers to involvement in care; Fathers' experiences 2024

Bliss Briefing: Families Kept Apart in England 2024

Our survey of 140 neonatal units in England found that parents of babies in neonatal care are not routinely provided with somewhere to stay with their baby overnight. This means that parents are usually separated from their baby repeatedly throughout their time in hospital. This briefing is part of our Families Kept Apart campaign.

Download Families Kept Apart England briefing

Bliss Briefing: Co-ordination between maternity and neonatal care 2024

In 2022 we surveyed with parents of babies who spent time in neonatal care. 986 respondents identified themselves as a birth-giving parent who spent time in postnatal care while their baby was in neonatal care. Fifty per cent of inpatient mothers said they weren’t as involved in their baby’s care as they wanted to be while they were in postnatal care. From the data we have gathered the reasons for this are myriad.

Download Co-ordination between maternity and neonatal care 2024

Bliss Scotland briefing: The Best Start Programme new model of neonatal care 2024

In July 2023 the Scottish Government formally confirmed that the number of neonatal intensive care units in Scotland would be reduced from eight to three, and announced that the location of the three NICUs would be Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Aberdeen Maternity Hospital. Bliss Scotland supports the reconfiguration as it is based on evidence that shows reducing the number of intensive care units will improve outcomes for very sick and small babies, including survival rates and long-term neurodevelopment.

Download The Best Start Programme new model of neonatal care briefing

Bliss Scotland position statement: Improvements to the Young Patients Family Fund 2023

The Young Patients Family Fund, and the availability and quality of family facilities on neonatal units, are of increasing importance as Scotland moves to a more centralised model of neonatal care. In this position statement, Bliss recommends improvements to be made to the Young Patients Family Fund.

Download Bliss Position Statement YPFF improvements Nov 2023.

Bliss Briefing: Impact of cost-of-living crisis in neonatal care 2022

The costs associated with having a baby in neonatal care are high and prevent parents being with their
babies. Bliss conducted research looking at the financial toll that having a baby in neonatal care
can have on families and the impact this can have on them as a family.

Download Cost-of-living crisis briefing

South Asian families' experiences of neonatal care 2022

Research has shown that Asian and Asian British communities have disproportionately poor maternal and neonatal outcomes when compared to White maternal and neonatal outcomes. While there is a growing body of evidence on how ethnicity and race impact prenatal, antenatal, and maternity care, the same attention has not been given to neonatal care.

This project aimed to gather insight and understanding on:

  • Any barriers families from South Asian communities experience when participating in care on the neonatal unit.
  • Parent perceptions of the care their baby received, and the care and support they received themselves on the neonatal unit.
  • Information and support needs of families.
  • Any areas of systemic inequality or inequity experienced by South Asian parents and their babies.

Download South Asian families' experiences of neonatal care.

Locked out: the impact of COVID-19 on neonatal care 2021

We gathered evidence from parents whose babies received neonatal care during the pandemic to hear about the impact of the restrictions imposed on neonatal units. We also surveyed NHS Trusts in England about the barriers they experienced when it comes to facilitating parental presence on neonatal units.

Download Locked out: the impact of COVID-19 on neonatal care.

Neonatal care through a young parent lens 2021

This project researched young parents' experience of having a baby, with the results showing that young parents face a ‘double whammy’ of being underprepared and under-supported when their babies are in neonatal care.

Download Neonatal care through young parent lens report 2021.

Bliss and TinyLife Northern Ireland Baby Report 2018

This joint report outlines new research showing that neonatal services across Northern Ireland are facing a series of significant challenges, including under-staffing across both nursing and medical rotas, and a shortage of facilities and support for parents of premature and sick babies.

Download Northern Ireland baby report 2018

Bliss Scotland baby report 2017: An opportunity to deliver improvements in neonatal care

This research from Bliss Scotland shows highlights the shortage of nurses and doctors in neonatal services across Scotland. Services are also struggling to give parents enough of the practical support they need to be with their baby, such as free overnight accommodation and support with meal costs.

Download Bliss Scotland baby report 2017: An opportunity to deliver improvements in neonatal care

Bliss baby report 2016: time for change - Wales

This report shows that services for premature and sick babies in Wales are facing critical staffing shortages, putting babies safety and long-term health at risk. You can also read this report in Welsh.

Download Bliss baby report 2016: Time for change - Wales

Bliss baby report 2015: hanging in the balance - England

This report from Bliss shows how dedicated, hardworking neonatal staff are being forced to cope with consistently high demand, with far too few resources. This is putting babies safety and survival at risk. It is a neonatal service hanging in the balance.

Download Bliss Baby Report 2015: Hanging in the balance - England

Families kept apart

This report shows neonatal units across England are struggling to provide essential facilities for families, such as overnight accommodation, which is preventing parents from being with and caring for their baby as much as they would like.

Download Families Kept Apart

Transfers of premature and sick babies

Bliss report about the transfers of premature and sick babies highlights the challenges faced by neonatal transport services in the UK. Our findings reveal that these essential services are often under-staffed, under-resourced and part-time.

Download Transfers of premature and sick babies

It's not a game: the very real costs of having a premature or sick baby

This report from 2014, looks at the extra costs families face when their baby is in neonatal care. We also published separate reports looking at how families are affected by extra costs in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our report on costs faced by families in Wales is also available in Welsh here.

Download the main report here: Its Not A Game

SOS: A Bliss report on cuts to frontline care for vulnerable babies

The SOS report from 2011 looks at cuts to frontline nursing staff which is putting the lives of England’s sickest babies at risk.

Download SOS A Bliss report on cuts to frontline care for vulnerable babies

Bliss baby report series 2010-2011

This series of Bliss baby reports outline the results of our research into the pressures facing neonatal units in England, Wales and Scotland. We also have a Welsh language version of our report on services in Wales available.

Download our nation-specific reports below:

The Chance Of A Lifetime Bliss Baby Report 2010 England

Still A Long Way To Go Bliss Baby Report And Manifesto 2010 Wales

A chance for change - Bliss baby report and manifesto 2011 - Scotland

Three decades and counting: Bliss 30th birthday baby report

This report celebrates 30 years of Bliss and looks at how neonatal provision and practice has evolved over this time. Click to see specific briefings for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Download the main report here: Bliss 30th Birthday Baby Report

Baby steps to better care – Bliss baby report 2008

The 2008 baby report focuses on issues around neonatal care for each country in the UK. Click to see specific briefings for England, Scotland, Wales (and in Welsh language) and Northern Ireland. There is also a Welsh language version of the report available.

Download the main report here: Baby steps to better care

Too little too late - Bliss Baby Report 2007

This report, released in 2007, highlights where premature or sick babies are not receiving the quality of care they deserve and acknowledges where progress has been made.

Download the report here: Too little too late

Weigh less, worth less - Bliss Baby Report 2006

This the second Bliss baby report, released in 2006, and focuses on staffing and transfer issues.

Download the report here: Weigh less, worth less

Special care for sick babies - choice or chance? Bliss Baby Report 2005

Bliss' first ever baby report, which launched the Bliss Baby Charter.

Download the report here: Special care for sick babies - choice or change?